CittàInsieme also supports the battle led by the spontaneous committee “The friends of the Ognina marina” which for years has been fighting, in the most deafening silence, for the protection of a precious common good such as the Ognina marina.
Guaranteeing the free use of the “West Pier” and of the entire body of water delimited by it is what citizens have been asking for for years, receiving in exchange the most absolute silence. Already in 2016 we had addressed a request to the competent authorities without having received any response.
Here we go again after six years. In a city where everyone’s property is considered the property of a few, in a city where town planning regulations are continually violated by landlords and speculators, we join the “Friends of the Ognina port” so that a place with a high historical value and landscape is made accessible to all, adequately redeveloped, that is, it is returned to the dignity of a normal city such as we would like Catania to be.