Catania-Licata 4-1, i rossazzurri calano il poker al Massimino

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Round and deserved victory for Catania who beat Licata 4-1 . In goal for the rossazzurri Sarao , Vitale , Palermo and Giovinco . Saito scored for the gialloblùs , who reopened the game in the 35th minute but in the second half the rossazzurri closed the practice with the guests reduced to 9 due to the expulsions of Vitolo and Frisenna.

Victory and again +14: Catania continues to fly

Another victory for Giovanni Ferraro’s Catania who never stop winning and continue to dominate group I of Serie D. The victory of the rossazzurri who dominated the match for the entire 90 minutes was clear. Game unlocked immediately in the first 10 minutes, first Sarao scored again after 4 months and then Vitale doubled again from a corner in the 9th minute. In the 35th minute Licata got back into the match scoring the 2-1 goal through Saito , who took advantage of a mistake by the Etna defence. In the second half, Catania closed it first with Palermo in the 78th minute and then Giuseppe Giovinco also scored from a penalty in the 82nd minute.

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Catania-Licata 4-1: match report and report cards

CATANIA (4-3-3) : Bethers 6; Rapisarda 6 (from 85′ Litteri sv), Somma 6.5, Lorenzini 6, Castellini 7; Rizzo 6.5, Lodi 7 (Palermo 7 from 64′), Vitale 6.5; Chiarella 6.5 (from 60′ Forchignone 6), Sarao 7 (from 78′ Giovinco 6.5), De Luca 6 (from 66′ De Respinis 6.5). Available : Groaz, Boccia, Di Grazia, Litteri, Privitera. Coach : Giovanni Ferraro 7

LICATA (3-5-2) : Valenti 5; Vitolo 5, Calaiò 6, Orlando 5; Cusati 5 (from 69′ Garau 5), Mudasiru 6 (90′ Pedalino sv), Rotulo 5, Frisenna 4.5, Pino 5, Minacori 6 (from 69′ Cristiano 5), Saito 6. Subs : Sienko, Manna , Ficarra, Pedalino, Pecoraro, Puccio, Asata. Coach : Giuseppe Romano 5.5

REFEREE : Gianluca Catanzaro of the Catanzaro section

ASSISTANTS : Justin Dervishi from the San Benedetto del Tronto section and Zef Preci from the Macerata section

GOAL : 5′ Sarao; 9′ Vital; 35′ Saito; 78′ Palermo; 84′ Giovinco

Booked: 21′ Frisenna (LIC); 56′ Vitolo (LIC)

SENT OFF : 73′ Vitolo (LIC); 82′ Frisenna (LIC)

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