La Sicilia eletta regione più bella d'Italia. I turisti la premiano, una terra tutta da scoprire

Foto di Vincenzo Musumeci
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Sicily is the most beautiful region of Italy. It will be for its sea, the mild climate, its architectural beauties, its people and the many wonderful finds that tell a story made up of traditions that unite different cultures and that make our region an unwitting open-air museum. The title was assigned by web users, who expressed their preference on the occasion of the “Trofeo delle Regioni”, an initiative launched by the tourist portal “Italy to be discovered”. The twenty regions of Italy were divided into four groups and, subsequently, the first two with the most votes went ahead. In the end, Sicily triumphed among all, considered the most beautiful region in Italy by over 150,000 users, second place for Liguria, followed by Puglia and Campania.

But another record also went to Sicily, “La Spiaggia dei Conigli” in Lampedusa confirms itself as the queen of the beaches in Italy, voted by TripAdvisor users in the “TripAdvisor Travelers’ Choice Beaches Awards 2018”. The beach of Lampedusa has also managed to conquer the seventh place among the most beautiful beaches in Europe.

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Certainly deserved awards that make our island stand out among the most chosen destinations by travellers. We asked the Jenia Viaggi agency in Catania for information, one of the managers stated: «The 2017 data speak for themselves, they mark a clear growth in tourism in Sicily compared to 2016. As for the current year, it is still too early to talk because it is in the summer that the highest rate of tourist attendance is recorded in our region».

But who are the tourists who choose Sicily, the manager explained to us that most come from abroad. «The tourists who ask to visit our region are mostly Russians, Germans, English, some French and Spanish. Italians are still tied to other national destinations, even if Sicily has certainly gained points in recent years, most still choose trips abroad as a destination for their holidays. As for the Sicilians, on the other hand, they prefer Sicily for small day trips, at most a weekend».

The Sicilian cities are places full of beauties to be discovered, among the most visited places are the splendid seaside villages, Taormina, Cefalù, San Vito Lo Capo, but the whole island would seem to be very successful. Inevitable Etna which attracts more and more tourists in all seasons, precisely because it is able to give tourists unique landscapes and unforgettable suggestions.

by Agnese Maugeri


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